A modified version Videotome:ADV, made from a gutted version of VT:ADV I put together for the complete edition of Quinn & Flynn. There's some stuff here I thought others would get a kick out of, so I've tidied it up and made it suitable to work in.

Software provided as-is with no expectations and spaghetti code included.

New Features

  • Settings menu accessible by hitting S or the settings button, complete with music volume, sfx volume, autoplay speed, and history length.
  • Autosaving when hitting a passage that ends with _SAVE.
  • An option to delete the current save and start from the beginning.
  • Allowing printing of $variables$ in dialogue when surrounded by $ symbols.
  • New tag OPP (Variable:opperation:float), to modify existing variables using basic opperations of addition (ADD), subtraction (SUB), multiplication (MUL), and division (DIV).
  • New tag MUSVOL/SFXVOL (float, 0 - 1), to change audio volume on demand. This is taken as a percentage of the volume set by the player.
  • New tag FUNCDELAY, to call a function after a line is left, rather than as it's reached.
  • New tag THEME (string, reads css files in theme/), to change VT's look while you play.


  • Better auto; autoplay now adjusts speed based on how long a line is, and selecting a choice waits until autoplay finishes until moving to the next line.
  • Moved history and auto buttons to more suitable locations.
  • History log clears after using CLEARSCREEN.
  • Added a click-through curtain to workaround inputs not being registered until a user interacts with the page.
  • Added some error handling around choices and GOTOs.

Bug Fixes

  • Choices can be selected properly using keyboard 1/2/3.
  • Clicking no longer skips the next line cooldown.
  • FUNC and MODE no longer need double square brackets in their syntax.
  • Character name is now visible when using a character tag immediately after using CLEARSCREEN.
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsGame engine


VT_ADV_0.5.1_Modded_V2.zip 6 MB
VT_ADV_0.5.1_Modded.zip 6 MB

Development log

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